Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everybody!
              Although it is October, we are having the Summer Olympics very late, and the videos are due Friday.
We have a couple of members who have already done some of their activities:
Sophia Henderson, (completed two)
Anna Corey, (completed two)
and thats' all. 
We have a particular member who would be MOST pleased, (Jordan Richerdson, to be exact,) for you fellow most kind members to do for her. 
             Jordan Richerdson would like to share her two amazing blogs with the loving kind members- and here it is: 
Or; and:
You can also find these if you go to the members and authors section of our blog and click on her profile.
   Also- when you post your activities, DON'T post on your page- post on the actual blog. I'll tell you when you can post on your page

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